Going to

Two Services



9:00am and 10:45am

Online and In-Person 




21 Day Spiritual Journey

The 21 Day Spiritual Journey is a daily 1:1 with God. It is a spiritual practice of 1 minute of scripture reading and 1 minute of prayer with daily prompts. 

  • Do you ever worry about getting dirty. I mean, let’s be honest. We all do. We all worry about getting stains on our pants, or spilling coffee on our shirt, or getting our hands dirty. Think about that though, was this true when we were kids though?

  • The world has need. It is not a need for comfort, it is a need for shelter from the storm. It is a need for sustainable access to food. It is a need for clothing. It is a need for care. The world has need.

  • People ask often, how do I know where I should serve? Or the question comes out in a little bit of a different way “I don’t know where I would be able to use my gifts to serve.” More often than not, this moment is the S.T.O.P. moment. It is the moment where we wait, faithfully, for someone else, our church, or a clear opportunity to be presented to us before we serve. 

  • The word “serve” in scripture means more than just to wait tables. The word means both to serve and to “minister.” That’s right, it means to care for, listen to, embrace and walk with those who are next to you.

  • A “disciple” is a kind of student. It is someone who follows the teaching of, learns from, and models their life after Jesus. When Jesus told His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, they wouldn’t have seen this as a casual assignment to squeeze between other interests. 

A Spiritual Journey with God is about transformation in your personal relationship with God. While the journey can be guided or aided by others, the journey is about deepening your understanding of how God moves in your life. 


How God moves in your work, family, friends, your home and in your daily life. This is 21 days of change, where you will walk from this feeling renewed and rejuvenated to share the good news of Jesus Christ in your life.