Neighborhood Church
Sunday, December 29th, is Sabbath Sunday for The Neighborhood Church. The church rests on this day and spends time with family at home! Check out our podcast for a family-friendly time to listen to the word!
Come and celebrate the winter season with us at The Neighborhood Church! Our worship services are a family-friendly celebration and time to reflect on the joy of Jesus, and a time to experience the warmth of community.
Free Family Pictures
Christmas Music
Free Hot Chocolate
Free Candy Canes
Kids Party
And more!
December Series
Life doesn’t always go the way we plan, but the nativity story shows us that God is always at work, even in the unexpected. In this Advent series, we’ll walk with the shepherds, the Wise Men, Elizabeth and Zechariah, and finally Mary and Joseph to discover how God’s plan brings hope, joy, and peace (advent)—even when it’s not what we expected.
Last Sunday before Christmas Eve
Listen as Pastor Joe continutes the series "Unexpected!" speaking about what to do when you are waiting on God.
Our Guiding Verse
Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the goal; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.
- Philippians 3:12-14
Life in The Neighborhood
We love that you are thinking about trying The Neighborhood Church. Our hope is that we can help to answer questions and bring some peace to walking into The Neighborhood Church. You can check out our F.A.Q. below for some commonly asked questions. Next, setup a visit so that we can welcome you and your family!
The Neighborhood Church offers programs for kids who are 6 weeks old through 4th grade (and then amazing youth programs after that!). Your children will be in a safe environment where they will learn about Jesus and have a fun time doing it.
Want to join a LIFEgroup? We would love you have you! Most meet bi-weekly and meet in ways that are comfortable with all members of the life groups: indoors, outdoors or virtually. To find out more, click below to view our ministries.
We are located in the heart of Northwest Arkansas in Bentonville! Our surrounding area is full of amazing things such as Thaden Field, Crystal Brides, The Momentary, The Walmart Museum and more! Fun fact- our town is the Mountain Biking Capital of the World! Check down below to navigate to our church!
We have service Sundays online and in-person at 10 AM! Check out our live stream on Facebook and YouTube!
Parking at The Neighborhood is easy! We have two parking lots at the front of the building! Either is avialble and our attendants will help! If it is full, pull up on the grass, it will grow back and it will be soft to walk on as you go to church, almost like picnic and worship. That's a good idea.
Oh yeah! We rock Kiddos at the church, because we believe that if kids are happy and loving church, well, then parents are happy and loving church! We also believe families want to worship together! So kids start with you in church singing and having fun then go to kidCITY to learn at their pace! It's awesome! We also have youth programs for every age!
We call ourselves a modern church with traditional elements. That means you will see...
• full praise band singing contemporary Christian music
• kids time up front where we do things like jumping jacks for Jesus then kids go to KidCITY
• time for coffee and snacks
• hope-filled message by Pastor Joe
• kids return to worship for communion
• close out with an incredible song and blessing
The whole service lasts about an hour and 15 minutes.
We have an app that makes it easy to join a ministry, to volunteer, to sign up for events, or to join a small group! You can download the app here.
We have over 120 people in 13 different lifeGROUPS and we have large groups like Men's and Women's groups if you want to test the waters! You can sign up for a lifeGROUP here.
So great that you asked! Volunteering is not only a way to get involved but it is a way to meet other people too! You can sign up to volunteer is areas like kids ministry, lifeGROUP leadership, media, worship and many more.
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